Saturday 20 September 2014

A Small Entrance

A Small Entrance

Recently, we had a small entrance to design for our school  as part of the preparation of our school for an external audit.
This entrance was unusual as it was a narrow space at the top of a staircase.
The design was a conglomeration of ideas from a number of persons on our staff. 
I did the floral arrangements

 and worked with the technician to design the seal at the centre.

In addition to this, I also did several other arrangements in order for the meetings and interviews. The pictures are below.

A clay vase with large unusual flowers

This one is a small arrangement in a sugar bowl

This was done about two years ago as an arrangement for my office

The staff had given me a gold ceramic vase for Mother's Day. I used it to make this arrangement. 

I think it was okay considering I never did a floral arrangement course. 

And yippee......................
we got through with the audit.

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