Wednesday, 8 October 2014


I’m not sure how I feel. 
I could not do it myself.
 I also could not do it at home.
 So I called someone I trusted and told him about it and where to find them. 
So, a perfume,  a tiny white tasbeeh, a powder for my eyes, a blue cream in a pretty lavender bottle were removed and thrown away. 
I did so like the blue cream in the spherical container. It was so well hidden that he almost couldn’t find it.
I’m not sure how I  feel  about it. I'm  not so sad that I’m crying, nor am I very happy.
It’s possible then that it had no effect on me whatsoever, so I’m imagining things.
I think I understand now.
It’s as if the last link was cut.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

The Joy of Sacrifice

It's Eid ul Adha- the Festival of Sacrifice

Eid Mubarak

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illalahu, Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa lillahil Hamd

The Holy Qur'an says about the sacrificed animals:-

'It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah, but what does reach Him is the Taqwa (sense of obedience) on your part.'

To read Salaah, to fast, to pay  Zakaah, even to go for Hajj..............
All these are our duties to our creator, to the one who gave us life and provides for our every need throughout our life.

But to deny our nafs......
To give up that which we love....
To give up our so-called rights..... 
And to consider the rights of Allah's creation besides ourselves
To provide for others and forget ourselves......
To give up sin and cause our hearts to shatter into pieces..... 
And the only reason we would do such a thing

The only reason..............

Only reason..................

Is to please that one Allah who created us...then that is the.......
 Joy of Sacrifice

Friday, 3 October 2014


A very unusual needlebook

I can remember  as a child, my mother had like to look at a television show called 'Little House on the Prairie.' 
All the ladies in that show wore hats called 'bonnets' and I  thought  these hats were so pretty.

So, when I saw Tipnut  had a pattern for a vintage  needlebook shaped like a bonnet, I just had to make one.

The cap  in front opens to white flannel pages to put needles and  pins. And the gathers to the back  is a little drawstring bag. It can hold thread, thimble  and a small scissors.  

It's very cute

Saturday, 20 September 2014

A Small Entrance

A Small Entrance

Recently, we had a small entrance to design for our school  as part of the preparation of our school for an external audit.
This entrance was unusual as it was a narrow space at the top of a staircase.
The design was a conglomeration of ideas from a number of persons on our staff. 
I did the floral arrangements

 and worked with the technician to design the seal at the centre.

In addition to this, I also did several other arrangements in order for the meetings and interviews. The pictures are below.

A clay vase with large unusual flowers

This one is a small arrangement in a sugar bowl

This was done about two years ago as an arrangement for my office

The staff had given me a gold ceramic vase for Mother's Day. I used it to make this arrangement. 

I think it was okay considering I never did a floral arrangement course. 

And yippee......................
we got through with the audit.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Hexagon Rainbow Baby Blanket

Hexagon Rainbow Baby Blanket in Crochet
I recently got a camera, so this is the first picture that I have taken of something that I had crocheted.

Two young people who I work with are having a baby so I decided to crochet a baby blanket for them. I used a rainbow theme with pastel colours and white in between. This is actually an afghan pattern that I modified to create a baby blanket.

This is a snapshot of the swirl at the centre of the blanket.